For your reading: Proverbs 31:10-31
(Referenced by: English Standard Version)
Verse 10 - An excellent wife who can find? (Are you the excellent wife? What do you do for God, your Husband, Child(ren)?)
Verse 27 - She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. (She is working steadily, not lazing around.)
Verse 28 - Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.
(Shows besides the Lord, whom our prioirties should be.)
Verse 30 - Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. (We should not be so into ourselves and should fear the Lord.)
Verse 31 - Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.
(We will get what we've worked for.)
God has been working on my heart the past few weeks. I must admit it is easy for me to justify what I do because there are only three people in my home, as if having a small family gives you one set of rules and if you have a large family there are another set of rules. The reality is, God's word, the bible, is for everyone. God does not pick and chose or say if you are this do this and if you are that, do that. No, we are all called to the same standard (WOMEN, included.) I do not think God is testing me with only giving me one child, but if I did think of my current life as a test I would wonder if part of the test was stewardship. "Why would God bless me with more (more things or children for example) if I cannot even do with less (less being one child and an apartment to call home.) I will not go into self-loathing, but Praise the Lord I do not have to! The Lord is more than willing to teach those whoe are willing to hear him. Back to the point.
People always comment on how early I rise. I do not see a problem with it. The Lord did not either, he created me to be a morning person, but he did convict me of what I had been doing with that time. You see I am up by 5 most mornings, sleeping into to our family is 6, 7 if it is a weekend and that is a big maybe. You would think with these hours, I would need coffee, but I do not. I am wide awake at this time. I often joke by noon both my son and I need a nap, and truthfully we often both get our naps. But when I rose I would not do what I now know I should have and somtimes even when I did know, I would not do them. I would race to the computer, be on most of the morning until Logan woke, maybe make lunches, maybe not, clean, maybe get it done, maybe not and then typically I would be frusterated by my family and messes.
Now, with conviction, I get up - start my chores early in the morning, make the bed, get lunches ready, and play with Logan, while having dinners premade so all I do it pull out and warm. I remind myself daily to clean and do all things joyfully and you know what my step is lighter and my house happier. I know for a fact my husband was amazed when several days in a row the bed was made, things were put away, and dinner was ready before or as he got in the door. And you know what? That makes me happy.
I do not order here. I do not say this is THE WAY to do things in your life. Maybe you sleep until 7,8, or 9, maybe you function better that way. All I am saying is read God's word and ask him what HE would have you do. See, do not doing anything for your family, me, or others, in all things - do them for Christ and his GLORY and life will lighten up for you, that I can promise.
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